Thursday, November 1, 2012

Review of Animoto and GoAnimate

The results are in . . . and my Virtual Reality students totally rocked with their GoAnimate and Animoto presentations.  Here are a link to a few of the outstanding products that the students created:

It is interesting to note that I did very little in previewing these two web 2.0 tools.  Students watched a short goanimate presentation that I created and they had seen 1-2 animotos in the past.  I intentionally did not explain how to use the technology however.  As I reflect back, I am glad that I did not as my students learned how to use the technology (or most likely knew how to use it automatically).  I am proud of what my students accomplished too.  I learned a lot from watching them with their presentations as well. 

As I consider the work that they created, I think that they enjoyed it immensely.  I polled a few students about using these two tools and both said that they liked doing it this way as opposed to either writing a paper or printing out their work.  They enjoyed watching the presentations and found it more engaging. 

Currently, we are working on podcasts before we transcend into using Maxon Cinema 4-D.  Podcasts and vodcasts will be the final background skill that we develop before we move into full scale animation.  I can't wait to see what the students do with Maxon Cinema 4-D.

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